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Spike Masters Volleyball – 3.1

Written By Unknown on vendredi 23 mai 2014 | 12:33

Application Details
APK ID: com.spear.spikemasters.APK
APK Name: Spike Masters
APK Full Name: Spike Masters Volleyball
APK Size: 12.95 MB
APK Version: 3.1
Upload Date: 2014-05-23
Hash: 9623861b2f4dbd812fe712044de40706
INFO: com-spear-spikemasters
Other Version: com-spear-spikemasters

Spike Masters Volleyball - screenshot thumbnailSpike Masters Volleyball - screenshot thumbnailSpike Masters Volleyball - screenshot thumbnail

Play indoor volleyball and learn player positions, team rotations, attack and defense strategies. Game physics is modeled by analyzing real players and games. All teams and players are purely fictional although some people say they remind them on their corresponding national teams.
Choose your favorite team and win tournament or league.
Go to game store and buy extra features: new team, shot control, balls and courts, stats and libero
Please visit “More” page to get more information and read out latest announcements.
Spike Masters Volleyball is Kiip enabled! It will allow you to unlock many achievements as you win matches and tournaments in the game and be rewarded by actual prizes for e.g. a packet of crisps or a discount coupon from your favorite retail store.
Disclaimer: Actual rewards may vary from user to user according to Policy. We are not interested in personal data, and we don’t collect such information. In order to get awards in your town/region/country, we need to receive some info about your geographic location.

ارتفاع سادة الكرة الطائرة | Spike Meister Volleyball | Спайк Мастеров Волейбола | Spike Masters De Volley-Ball

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