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BMI Calculator – Weight Loss – 2.1.6

Written By Unknown on samedi 31 mai 2014 | 11:43

Application Details
APK Size: 1.76 MB
APK Version: 2.1.6
Upload Date: 2014-05-31
APK Name:
BMI Calculator
APK Full Name:
BMI Calculator – Weight Loss
Hash: a5dcc2eab0534245f403078b2e112e8a
Other Version: tools-bmirechner
BMI Calculator   Weight Loss   2.1.6BMI Calculator   Weight Loss   2.1.6

With this free app you can calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index), Waist-to-Height Ratio, Body Fat Percentage and Calorie Consumption (BMR + PAL) to find your ideal weight based on age and gender.
It can also be used to find your healthy weight if you want to lose weight or are on diet.
• Metric and imperial systems (Stones and Pounds) are supported
• Optional saving of last entered values
• For everyone 7 years and older
• Body Mass Index: is defined as the body weight divided by the square of the height. It provides a rough guide since it doesn’t take into account a persons build or the composition of the body weight.
• Waist-to-Height Ratio: is defined as the waist circumference divided by the height. It measures abdominal obesity and therefore can be used as an better indicator of health risks than Body Mass Index.
• Body Fat Percentage: is defined as the weight of fat divided by the total weight. It is estimated with the ‘US Navy Circumference Method’ which uses the height and circumferences of waist, neck and hip.
• Calorie Consumption: is mainly a sum of internal heat produced (Basal Metabolic Rate estimated by Mifflin St Jeor Equation) and external work (Physical Activity Level).
• Top 10 Best Weight Loss iPhone & Android Apps 2012 @
• One of the top 10 hottest apps @
• Featured app on The Fresh Living Project @

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آلة حاسبة مؤشر كتلة الجسم – فقدان الوزن | BMI-Rechner – Gewicht-Verlust | BMI Calculator – потеря веса | BMI Calculator – Perte de Poids

BMI Calculator   Weight Loss   2.1.6
BMI Calculator   Weight Loss   2.1.6

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